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The Mongolian Society of Cardiologists is been established and functioning for past 20 years in Mongolia.

The Society was reactivated following the meeting held among all cardiologists of Mongolia, from all 21 provinces of the country, all 9 districts of the Capital Ulaanbaatar city and the Cardiac Center at the Third State Central Hospital of Mongolia. It was agreed by the all cardiologists to actively implement various activities for the benefit of the Mongolian cardiologists and appointed the new President and the board members during the meeting.

Although our Society is quite young in terms of restablishment, it is growing rapidly and with great motivation.

The main characteristics of the Society is that it has united all the actively practicing cardiovascular doctors of all district, province hospitals and the National Cardiovascular Center of Mongolia.

The Society aims at making quality cardiovascular service accessible and available to all population in Mongolia. For this purpose, main activities of the Society targets in local capacity building for the cardiovascular services through specialized trainings, cooperative research, development of local guidelines, protocols and well established network between professionals.

In this regard, the National Cardiovascular Center have been implementing very effective activities thus cardiologists agreed to appoint the Head of the Center as the President of the Society and the activities of the National Cardiovascular Center to be expanded and continued which includes National Cardiovascular conference, the telemedicine network that enrolled all public hospitals.


In order to strengthen its activities and to open the doors to international arena, the Society is now actively working on joining of the international Associations and Societies.

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